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Below are some of the questions we are frequently asked and the answers we give...


Q. Do I need a pond?

A. No you do not need a pond to keep ducks. Ducks do need to be able to submerge their head under water to clean their face and bill. We would recommend a water tray as it is deep enough for ducks to paddle in and keep clean. The other added benefit of a water tray is that it is easy to tip the water out and keep the water clean and fresh.

If you do have a pond then you should ensure that there is easy access for your ducks to walk in and out - this is very important.

Remember that ducks should not have access to water (a tray or a pond) until they are fully feathered (approx 7 weeks). Before they are fully feathered there is a real risk that ducklings will become water logged and drown.

Q. Can I keep ducks and chickens together?

A. Yes you can keep ducks and chickens together - many of our customers do. If they are going to share a house at night bear in mind that whilst chickens tend to perch, ducks stay on the floor. If your house has a perch or ledge for chickens it is worth taking some precautions such as installing a shelf below so that chicken mess does not fall on the ducks from above.

We would not recommend putting a duck less than 12 weeks old in with chickens as they can be quite nasty whilst establishing a pecking order and the duck would be vulnerable.

Q. What do ducks eat?

A. From 15 weeks old ducks eat layers pellets. Layers pellets have the all important ingredients to keep them at their best and laying yummy eggs. They love sweetcorn, peas and mealworms as a treat.

From day old to 3 weeks ducklings should be fed chick crumb.

At 3 weeks the ducklings should be switched to growers pellets. It is important that once 3 weeks old ducklings are taking off chick crumb or they could develop problems such as angel wing.

At 15 weeks growers pellets should be swapped to layers pellets as the ducks are now fully grown and ready to start laying.

It is important to ensure your ducks are fed the correct food for their age.

We sell chick crumb, growers and layers pellets. You can also purchase from larger pet stores or stores such as Countrywide.

Q. Can we have just one duck?

A. No you need to have at least two ducks. Ducks are social animals and panic when alone. We will never sell just one duck unless you already have some waiting at home and want to add to your flock.

Q. How may eggs does a duck lay?

A. Cherry Valley and Khaki Campbell ducks are two of the best commercial egg laying breeds. Typically they will each lay an egg a day. Egg laying can drop off slightly in the winter months when day light hours are less. Remember that they are animals not machines, and so cannot guarantee an egg every day (we all have our off days!!).

Q. Can Cherry Valley and Khaki Campbell ducks fly?

A. No these domesticated ducks cannot fly. They are just not designed to fly, they are too round and heavy! You do not need to clip their wings.

Q. What does a duck egg taste like?

A. Duck eggs are slightly larger than chicken eggs with a larger yolk. They have a slightly richer taste. Duck eggs are great for baking - they make fantastic cakes!

Q. Will they eat my plants and flowers?

A. Whilst we cannot guarantee it, many of our customers do keep ducks as pets in their garden and have told us that they have not.

Q. We would like a drake (male duck), can you sell us one? 

A. I'm sorry, but we do not sell drakes. All our ducklings are sexed at day old and males are either kept by us for our breeding flock or are sold to one of our customers whom we are contacted to supply drakes to (some for breeding flocks, some for the table). Female ducks will live quite happily without a drake.

Q. Do you sell fertile duck eggs?

A. No, I'm sorry but we do not sell fertile duck eggs. We only have enough eggs for our own needs and none spare to sell to other people.

If you do have any other questions please just ask, we are always happy to help.





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